Social Media Trends
When we think about social media, some names of big companies come to our minds.
Starbucks is a company that is characterized by its presence on social networks. It has a large number of followers from various parts of the world. Its strategies are based on the quality of the content and the originality of what it posts, as well as involving users, communicating instead of directly selling, and showing social responsibility. Its strategies have become a trend since in other social networks it can be seen that they try to follow the same model applied by Starbucks. It does not post every day or as often as other brands. But just because it has the most well-known name in the market, does not mean that it is not careful about what it publishes.
The advantages of these strategies are many. Posting original and quality content shows the followers how concerned the brand is about giving the best to them. It is not about posting just anything, there is a purpose for it. On the other hand, the followers are also invited to be participants. They were told that they can share images of their drinks or of the people they shared them with at a Starbucks store. Therefore, the followers become content generators, since the content that they create is posted on the Starbucks social network. Then, Starbucks is not going to tell you directly to buy a Frappuccino or any of their seasonal drinks. Their advertising invites you and communicates that you can get two drinks for a certain price or that you can have offers up to a limited time. Similarly, Starbucks shows social responsibility in its social media. This makes it feel more human. The company gives social help to people in need and it is also inclusive with people. “Starbucks uses social change as a marketing tool, positioning themselves as open-minded and inclusive (“Starbuck’s Digital Marketing Strategy,” 2020).” The pros of the strategies used are indubitable for Starbucks. I don’t see any disadvantages or con.
Among the strategies the one that is about generated content by the users is the one that captures my attention. I believe this trend is interesting since it shows what the people are feeling about the brand or how much they identify with the brand.
Starbucks’ Digital Marketing Strategy: How Do They Do It? (2020). Phlywheel. Retrieved from:’