The Intersection of Science and Myth
When people asked me about the flood theories, I can say that I have no doubt that there was a universal flood. I noticed it when I was a child. I used to visit many places with my family and on one of my trips, my family and I were in one high hill near the cost of Peru. This hill is at least 800 meters above the level of the sea, and I remember seeing a lot of fossils of seashells and sea animals buried by layers of earth on them. It was impossible for these animals to reach such a height on their own.
In addition, the layers of the earth had different colors and forms of waves as if centuries had passed. I remember asking my aunt, and she told me that many millions of years ago, there was a huge flood. There was a cataclysm and the entire planet was flooded. The origin could be a meteor that had a strong impact causing a total change.
That topic always caught my attention, and it was so significant for me when I grew up that I decided to investigate it. I visited several museums and in most of them this topic is mentioned. Apart from talking with friends, the interesting thing is that regardless of the culture or faith you have, everyone talks about a great global flood. So, something is interesting here, and it is the fact that if several cultures report it, it is for some reason and that already transcends the speculative. I think that each culture narrates the flood story according to its perception and passes its narrative from generation to generation. The event itself happened and is not imagination. Something happened to the planet, that’s clear. Also, by observation I noticed fossils in Taos, a pueblo in the mountains in New Mexico and in Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado.
I believe that the scientific theory of the flood was universal and not just local or in certain areas. Some scientists’ claim it was just in the Black Sea, but my personal experience didn’t tell me that. Now, it could be the case that there was a universal flood, and then centuries later, there were local floods in different parts of the world too. But that there was a flood or something dramatic happened on the earth, is obvious. I noticed sea animal fossil in different mountains. How did those animals arrive to such high altitude? It could be if humans were consuming them and left some remains. But fossils are complete and some perfectly covered under layers of earth. I believe the “Theory of a Mega Flood” may be produced is plausible.
Then, the theory that is plausible is the “Antarctic Ice Sheet Theory,” which says that the ice melted, and this raised the level of water around the planet. Also, the “Ice Age Theory” is plausible. As everyone knows, the Earth is not static, it passes through different time periods and there was a time where it was very hot and then extremely cold. Those changes of temperature may affect the planet, causing this terrible disaster.
There was a study on the coast of Tahiti, and some fossilized coral was collected. According to the study, “they found that the sea level rose about 45 feet (14 meters) in less than 350 years. To figure out where all that water came from, the researchers compared sea-level rise in Tahiti with previous measurements of sea-level rise for the same time period in Barbados. With the two islands showing similar rises in sea level, the researchers say the water must have come from the Antarctic ice sheet. If the water had come from the Laurentide ice sheet, which covered a large area of North America during the Ice Age (the other main theory), there would have been a sea-level rise of about 40 percent less in Barbados due to its location, the researchers said (Welsh, p.1).”
To think that the Creation myths about the flood are just science fiction may disappear or be turned down, since science give us signs that in reality something happened to the planet.
Cited Work
Welsch, Jennifer. Collapse of Antarctic Ice Sheet Linked to Ancient ‘Mega Flood’. 2012. Live Science. Accessed 19 Mar.2022